3rd Party Handover Template

We use this to ... so that we can ...

The following sections outlines the hand over areas to consider when handing over from the project team to the a 3rd Party or external party.


Outline the staff members involved and how those staff who will provide ongoing support and management of the system will be trained and to what level. This could be:

  • On-the-job training (post-implementation)

  • Secondment to the project

  • Overview sessions

  • Teach themselves

  • Already have the skills (in existing staff or staff to be recruited)

  • Other


Provide details of the equipment that the Project has delivered into the Production environment, such as:

  • Outline how the equipment mentioned in Section 2 will be moved or disposed of, when, etc.

  • When does responsibility move from the project team to the Production Support Team/s.

  • When do support and maintenance contracts commence, and when does the Production Support Team pick up the operational costs.


Copies of the documentation associated with the project will be handed over electronically as well as in hard copy. Identify:

  • Who the documentation will be handed over to and when

  • What formats it will be in

  • At what point it becomes the responsibility of the Production Support Team to update and circulate changes

  • How many copies will be made available and to whom

  • What documentation will be made available in Knowledge articles or CMDB.

  • Administration Guide (Central and remote requirements, including system/data/backup solution)

  • User Guide (including quick reference cards and/or templates)

  • Systems documentation:

    • Design

    • Build (also to include system management software)

    • Interface and integration documentation with other systems


  • Relevant licenses


  • Results

  • Test cases (applicable and part of the contractual agreements)

Capacity & Performance

  • Expected transaction growth

  • Online response time guarantees

  • Batch processing response time guarantees

  • Disk storage requirements

  • Bandwidth requirements

  • CPU requirements

  • Memory requirements

  • Other as appropriate


  • Device allocation requests for Development, Quality Assurance and Production environments (based on location of devices)

  • Identify and document all transaction types

  • Expected transaction volumes by transaction type in both directions

  • Transaction flow (source and destination)

  • Identify interfaces to other internal platforms/external vendors

  • What protocols are used by the application (FTP, SMTP, HTTP, TCP, UDP etc.)


  • Security Policy adherence

  • Clearance by Risk / Compliance to store on the cloud

Disaster Recovery

  • Procedures for component recovery

  • Business Continuity Plan


  • Hardware maintenance

  • Systems software maintenance and/or licenses

  • Application software maintenance and/or licenses

Service Level Agreements

  • Identify business and IT owners

  • Agreed level of service with business and IT which reflects hardware and vendor support agreements

  • Agreed change windows when changes can be applied to the systems by change type and user impact (e.g. system down)

  • Responsibility matrix which shows support for all components that makes up the environment including external interfaces

  • Copies of SLAs with other parties


  • Systems Administrator tasks and workload (e.g. backups, maintaining applications, tables etc)

  • Documented procedures for administration tasks (daily, weekly, etc).

Incident & Problem Management

  • Documented procedures for Incident Management and Problem determination

  • Contacts for escalations for Incidents and Crises

  • Special procedures for critical incidents

Change Management

  • Documented version release policy

  • Documented method for adopting customer requested enhancements into new releases (Dev =>QA => Prod life cycle)

  • Expected ongoing frequency of changes by change type

Support Staff Training

  • Service Desk

  • Production Support

  • Application Support

Configuration Management

  • Documentation of all hardware assets (serial no’s, models, locations, relationships etc)

  • Systems design documentation including connectivity, operating systems, development and reporting tools, user applications, systems management tools, etc

  • Documentation of all configurations (connectivity, parameter settings etc)

  • These can be documented directly into the CMDB, and a list of configuration item (CI’s) provided as part of this process

Connectivity Requirements

  • Network connectivity requirements and design

  • Physical specification of hardware

  • Environmental specifications for hardware (Temperature, humidity, ventilation, clearance, power, security etc.)

  • Interface documentation with other systems

  • These can be documented directly into the CMDB, and a list of CI’s provided as part of this process

Environmental Management

  • Documentation of all environmental requirements and agreements

  • Physical room space, cabinet space, …

  • Air conditioning

  • Power (UPS, phases required, power consumption …)

  • Cabling requirements

Last updated