
With the most pressing matters addressed, the coaching process flows into the assessment phase, also known as the exploration or discovery stage. A heightened awareness of self and how to use that awareness to be more effective is the ultimate goal of this phase.

Common activities used during this phase may include personality and strengths assessments, visioning exercises, values inventories and work-life-balance satisfaction scales. Organizational assessments and 360° feedback results are also available for business and executive coaching engagements.

Of course, the coach and coachee’s own observations are also critical components of this phase as well. Thoroughly exploring the full scale of a given challenge or opportunity is the primary objective here.

Receive information effectively by investing considerable effort to both concentrate and listen attentively.

Powerful Questioning

Ask open and closed questions – start broad, then narrow to generate focus

What? / Where? / Who? / How? / When?

Not leading or judgemental

Create a feedback loop

Raise awareness and responsibility

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