

  • Concept Fields of AGP Ticket

  • Problem Statement

  • Success Sliders

  • Risks and Issues

  • Confluence page/s set up to centralise supporting documents

  • Retrospectives & Lessons Learnt

  • Security Questionnaire

  • Action / Decision Register (Simple)

  • Showcase Initiative and Epic Estimation

Items from 'Sometimes' can be created if they add value to the Initiative or help manage or communicate the work.


All 'Always' outputs plus a selection of:

  • Steering Committee (Setup)

  • Lean Business Case

  • Stakeholder Analysis

  • Initiative Brief

  • Impact Analysis & Assessment

  • Gap Analysis (As is/To Be)

  • Meeting Minutes

  • High-level Design and Architecture

  • Business Processes (existing and any new but just enough)

  • Action / Decision Register (Complex)

Last updated