Intro to Faciliation

Workshop Lifecycle

To ensure that you generate value from your workshops, consider each step of the workshop and identify the objective of each step.

There are four phases of a workshop (Pre-Workshop, In-Progress, Post-Workshop & Implementation). These stages are broken down further below for additional information and explanation.

What makes a good workshop?

Included below are some values/topics that are indicative of a positive workshop experience; these items were outlined in the Agile Facilitation workshop by order and commonality. It's recommended you keep these themes in mind when planning your workshops to maximize the generated value for the attendees.

What makes a bad workshop?

Included below are some values/topics that are indicative of a negative workshop experience; these items were outlined in the Agile Facilitation workshop by order and commonality. It's recommended you avoid these pitfalls when planning your workshops to maximize the generated value for the attendees.

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