
The objectives of Portfolio Management are to:

Maximize the Throughput of Value

Actively manage the backlog of investments to find the highest-value opportunities, and actively manage WIP across groups of teams(team-of-teams) to speed the delivery of value into the marketplace.

Prevent Bottlenecks

Use the portfolio budget to balance the funding for capacity with the demand for the highest-value opportunities.

Demonstrate Good Servant Leadership

Remove obstacles to keep delivery cycle times low.

Decrease Cost

Decreasing overall operational costs (such as the real estate footprint).

Service Excellence

Providing integrated, seamless, timely and exceptional service.

Risk Management

Complying with risk and compliance requirements, such as health and safety, cybersecurity and employment standards.


Setting the organization up for future growth through new hires and service offerings.


Meeting commitments and goals with respect to inclusion and diversity.


Providing options for future work locations and structures, such as shared services, hiring talent outside of major centres, and scaling up (or down) depending on the needs of business and client demand.

Consistent Approach

Operating under an effective set of policies, reporting and governance at the local office and national levels.


Ensuring the way employees work enables, recognizes and enhances the organization’s core qualities and differentiating behaviours.

Visibility to Work and Constraints

Have a clear view of what needs to be done, who owns the work and by when the work needs to be completed.

Customer-Driven Prioritization

Ensure that the undertaken initiatives meet the needs of customers as well as the internal capabilities of your organization.

Adaptive Resource Allocation

Constantly monitor needs to deploy resources where needed in the organization and foster an environment where resources move between initiatives and address priorities.

Continuous Execution of Value

Develop a process to clearly define and track the value of the initiative and ensure that all relevant stakeholders in your organization are kept apprised of developments and outcomes.

Change Enabled Culture

Create a systemic and cultural process to ensure that employees buy into the initiatives and have appropriate feedback channels to optimize execution.

Continuous Value Realization

Use customer expectation as the benchmark for the value being created by initiatives in a steady, consistent, measurable fashion.

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