Product Owner

A product owner is the person who identifies the customer need and the larger business objectives that a product or feature will fulfil articulates what success looks like for a product change, and rallies a team to turn that vision into a reality.

Closely aligned to the Business Owner role.

  • Translates the vision from the Product Manager/Business Owner to the team and the value this brings to the business/customer

  • Responsible for maximising the business value delivered by the team

  • Stakeholder management Accountable for creating and maintaining the product backlog, stocking the backlog and grooming the backlog

  • Defect management and prioritisation

  • Prioritises the backlog according to business value or ROI in consultation with the Product Manager/Business Owner

  • Assists in the elaboration of epics/features into user stories in readiness for Sprint delivery

  • Highly available to delivery teams to discuss and clarify story details during Sprints

  • Aligns team on the vision, goals and progress at the beginning of each Release and Sprint

  • Participates in Sprint ceremonies (planning, reviews, retrospectives, stand-ups)

  • Helps teams define ‘done’ Inspects and accepts/rejects product progress at the end of each sprint based on DoD and consultation with Product Management where appropriate

  • Communicates product delivery status externally

  • Motivating teams and celebrating success


Current Sprint / Iteration

  • Stand-up

  • Sprint Planning

  • Test prototype with users

  • Assist with design

  • Assist with acceptance test

  • Update current user stories

  • Accept user stories

  • Test prototype with users

  • Product owner CoP

  • Attend steering committee

  • Sprint Showcase prep

  • Sprint Showcase

  • Sprint Retrospective

  • Sprint Planning Prep

Next Sprint / Iteration

  • Backlog refinement

  • Identify stories for the next sprint

  • Design and build wireframes

  • Backlog refinement & estimates

  • Review prototype results with stakeholders

  • Update the next Sprint stories

  • Prioritise next sprint user stories

Future Planning

  • Review the roadmap with the Product/Line Manager

  • Comms & Marketing meeting

  • Complete analysis and market research

  • Concept workshops

  • Plan test ’n’ learn workshop

  • Prepare for the next Quarter

A Day in the Life of

These are some of the typical activities that you may incorporate into your day.

Last updated