
This is the planning stage of your Experiment.

At this point, all you have are your assumptions about the change. In this step, you validate your approach with people affected by the change.

A ‘Due Date’ may be used here to indicate that the change must be implemented on a certain date.

Checklists are a simple way of planning out a change. For high risks changes, an implementation plan may require more thought and input from a variety of stakeholders.

This step encompasses leading and energising people. It includes assessing the impact and complexity of the change and developing a fit-for-purpose strategy to enable change success.

Key Activities

Change Impact Analysis

The analysis of the "people" side of the organisation. It analyses the impacted stakeholders and seeks to quantify and describe what the impact of the change will be on the various groups. The output from the assessment is crucial for informing the change management actions required.

Change Complexity Analysis

An indicative and overarching view of the overall nature and scope of the change to be implemented based on its scale and size, as well as the organisation's capability to absorb the change in the context of other activities and past experience with change.

Change Activities Assessment

To fully understand the change impact the effect of the change on people, platforms and processes is required. This assessment will determine the impact and complexity of the change and which tools and documents are needed. This may result in the change impact being updated.

Change Activities Matrix

This matrix will provide guidance as to what key change activities should be applied to the change initiative based on the individual impact and complexity ratings.

Change Management Canvas

The canvas is a tool for engaging people in the conversation to understand the change further. The tool captures key messages to facilitate change management tactics, such as stakeholder management activities, learning training activities, and communication and engagement activities.

Change Management Plan

The change management plan is used to actively design, develop, and execute a strategy to prepare stakeholders for the business, technical, and cultural changes that will occur as a result of the change initiative. Embracing and magnifying the positive aspects of change will help stakeholders align themselves with the desired future state. The plan will identify stakeholders, their interests and influences and outline the communication approach to enable a successful change.

Example Workflow

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