Check Your Personal Thinking Style

Not only do we have our preferred learning and working styles, but we also have our favourite thinking styles. Professor Anthony Gregorc, professor of curriculum and instruction at the University of Connecticut, has divided these into four groups:

Concrete Sequential

Thinkers tend to be based on reality. They process information in an ordered, sequential, linear way.

Concrete Random

Thinkers are experimenters.

Abstract Random

Thinkers organize information through reflection and thrive in unstructured, people-oriented environments.

Abstract Sequential

Thinkers love the world of theory and abstract thought.    We stress that no thinking style is superior; they are simply different.

Each style can be effective in its own way. The important thing is that you become more aware of which thinking style works best for you. Once you know your own style, you can then analyze the others. This will help you understand other people better. It will make you more flexible. And perhaps we can all pick up tips from each other on how to be more effective.

To check your personal thinking style:

  1. Read each set of words and mark the two within each set that best describes you.

By Anthony Gregorc

Theory Behind the Model

Gregorc's Mind Styles model provides an organized way to consider how the mind works. 

Perceptual Quality

§         Concrete: This quality enables you to register information directly through your five senses: sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. When you are using your concrete ability, you are dealing with the obvious, the "here and now." You are not looking for hidden meanings, or making relationships between ideas or concepts. "It is what it is."

§         Abstract: This quality allows you to visualize, to conceive ideas, to understand or believe that which you cannot actually see. When you are using your abstract quality, you are using your intuition, your imagination, and you are looking beyond “what is” to the more subtle implications. "It is not always what it seems."

Although all people have both concrete and abstract perceptual abilities to some extent, each person is usually comfortable using one more than the other. The person whose natural strength in the concrete, for example, may communicate in a direct, literal, no-nonsense manner. The person whose natural strength is the abstract may use more subtle ways to get a point across.

Ordering Ability

§         Sequential: Allows your mind to organize information in a linear, step-by-step manner. When using your sequential ability, you are following a logical train of thought, a traditional approach to dealing with information. You may also prefer to have a plan and to follow it, rather than relying on impulse.

§         Random: Lets your mind organize information by chunks, and in no particular order. When you are using your random ability, you may often be able to skip steps in a procedure and still produce the desired result. You may even start in the middle, or at the end, and work backwards. You may also prefer your life to be more impulsive, or spur of the moment, than planned.

Both ordering abilities are present in each person, but usually a pattern emerges for using one over the other more comfortably.   There are four combinations of the strongest perceptual and ordering ability in each individual:

1.       Concrete Sequential (CS)

2.       Abstract Random (AR)

3.       Abstract Sequential (AS)

4.       Concrete Random (CR)

No one is a "pure" style. Each of us have a unique combination of natural strengths and abilities



This learner likes:

§         order

§         logical sequence

§         following directions, predictability

§         getting facts

They learn best when:

§         they have a structured environment

§         they can rely on others to complete this task

§         are faced with predictable situations

§         can apply ideas in pragmatic ways

What's hard for them?

§           Working in groups

§           Discussions that seem to have no specific point

§           Working in an unorganized environment

§           Following incomplete or unclear directions

§           Working with unpredictable people

§           Dealing with abstract ideas

§           Demands to "use your imagination"

§           Questions with no right or wrong answers


This learner likes:

§         his/her point to be heard

§         analyzing situations before making a decision or acting

§         applying logic in solving or finding solutions to problems

They learn best when:

§        they have access to experts or references

§        placed in stimulating environments

§        able to work alone

What's hard for them?

§        Being forced to work with those of differing views

§        Too little time to deal with a subject thoroughly

§        Repeating the same tasks over and over

§        Lots of specific rules and regulations

§        "sentimental" thinking

§        Expressing their emotions

§        Being diplomatic when convincing others

§        Not monopolizing a conversation



This learner likes:

§experimenting to find answers

§take risks

§use their intuition

§solving problems independently

They learn best when:

§they are able to use trial-and-error approaches

§able to compete with others

§given the opportunity to work through the problems by themselves.

What's hard for them?

§            Restrictions and limitations

§            Formal reports

§            Routines

§            Re-doing anything once it’s done

§            Keeping detailed records

§            Showing how they got an answer

§            Choosing only one answer

§            Having no options

This learner likes:

§        to listen to others

§        bringing harmony to group situations

§        establishing healthy relationships with others

§        focusing on the issues at hand

They learn best when:

§        in a personalized environment

§        given broad or general guidelines

§        able to maintain friendly relationships

§        able to participate in group activities

What's hard for them?

§        Having to explain or justify feelings

§        Competition

§        Working with dictatorial/authoritarian personalities

§        Working in a restrictive environment

§        Working with people who don’t seem friendly

§        Concentrating on one thing at a time

§        Giving exact details

§        Accepting even positive criticism

Mind Styles - Anthony Gregorc Background of Anthony Gregorc Anthony F. Gregorc, Ph. D. , is a phenomenological (this (inks to Phenomenography-Noe/ Entwist\e) researcher, lecturer, consultant, author and President of Gregorc Associates, Inc. His career has included positions as a teacher, professor, and lecturer throughout the world He is internationally recognized for his work in learning styles which began in 1969 with the introduction of his Energic Model of Styles This work evolved into the Mind Styles Model in 1984. Theory Behind the Model Gregorc's Mind Styles model provides an organized way to consider how the mind works Perceptual Quality Concrete: This quality enables you to register information directly through your five senses sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. When you are using your concrete ability, you are dealing with the obvious, the "here and now" You are not looking for hidden meanings, or making relationships between ideas or concepts. "It is what it Abstract: This quality allows you to visualize, to conceive ideas, to understand or believe that which you cannot actually see. When you are using your abstract quality, you are using your intuition, your imagination, and you are looking beyond "what is" to the more subtle implications. "It is not always what it seems." Although all people have both concrete and abstract perceptual abilities to some extent, each person is usually comfortable using one more than the other. The person whose natural strength in the concrete, for example, may communicate in a direct, literal, n&nonsense manner. The person whose natural strength is the abstract may use more subtle ways to get a point across Ordering Ability Sequential: Allows your mind to organize information in a linear, step-by-step manner. When using your sequential ability, you are following a logical train of thought, a traditional approach to dealing with information You may also prefer to have a plan and to follow it, rather than relying on impulse. Random: Lets your mind organize information by chunks, and in no particular order When you are using your random ability, you may often be able to skip steps in a procedure and still produce the desired result You may even start in the middle, or at the end, and work backwards. You may also prefer your life to be more impulsive, or spur of the moment, than planned Both ordering abilities are present in each person, but usually a pattern emerges for using one over the other more comfortably. There are four combinations of the strongest perceptual and ordering ability in each individual:

  1. Concrete Sequential (CS)

  2. Abstract Random (AR)

  3. Abstract Sequential (AS

  4. Concrete Random (CR) No one is a "pure" style. Each of us have a unique combination of natural strengths and abilities CONCRETE SEQUENTIAL This learner likes: order logical sequence following directions: predictability getting facts They learn best when: they have a structured environment they can rely on others to complete this task are faced with predictable situations can apply ideas in pragmatic ways What's hard for them? Working in groups Discussions that seem to have no specific point Working in an unorganized environment Following incomplete or unclear directions Working with unpredictable people Dealing with abstract ideas Demands to "use your imagination" Questions with no right or wrong answers CONCRETE RANDOM his learner likes: •experimenting to find answers •take risks •use their intuition •solving problems independently hey learn best when: •they are able to use trial-and-error approaches •able to compete with others •given the opportunity to work through the problems by themselves. hat's hard for them? Restrictions and limitations Formal reports Routines Re-doing anything once it's done Keeping detailed records Showing how they got an answer Choosing only one answer Having no options ABSTRACT SEQUENTIAL This learner likes: his/her point to be heard analyzing situations before making a decision or acting applying logic in solving or finding solutions to problems They learn best whem they have access to experts or references placed in stimulating environments able to alone What's hard for them? Being forced to work with those of differing views Too little time to deal with a subject thoroughly Repeating the same tasks over and over Lots of specific rules and regulations "sentimental" thinking Expressing their emotions Being diplomatic when convincing others Not monopolizing a conversation ABSTRACT RANDOM This learner likes: to listen to others bringing harmony to group situations establishing healthy relationships with others focusing on the issues at hand They learn best when: in a personalized environment given broad or general guidelines able to maintain friendly relationships able to participate in group activities What's hard for them? Having to explain or justify feelings Competition Working with dictatorial/authoritarian personalities Working in a restrictive environment Working with people who don't seem friendly Concentrating on one thing at a time Giving exact details Accepting even positive criticism

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