7Rs of Change Management

Who RAISED the Change?

o Track the internal or external source of the call for the change.

REASON for the Change

o Codify the reason for the change in a way that is understandable contemporarily and from future vantage points.

RETURN for the Change

o Examine and codify the potential and likely benefits of the change to the organization, including customers and other external stakeholders.

RISKS involved

o Examine and codify any potential and likely risks involved in executing the change.

RESOURCES required

o Define and explore the costs associated with building, testing, and implementing the change.

Who is RESPONSIBLE for building, testing, and implementation?

o Define the roles necessary to build, test, implement, and clean up after the change. As much as possible, assign roles in advance of implementation.

RELATIONSHIP between this and other Changes

o Examine and codify any direct and tertiary relationships this change has to prior, contemporary, or potential changes.

Consequences of REJECTING the Change

o Examine and codify any potential and likely risks involved in not executing or only partially executing the change.

Taken from https://orangematter.solarwinds.com/2018/08/21/change-management-checklist/

Last updated