
Coaching Questions

After Training

What do you remember from the last training session?

Since the training, what did you notice more or less?

Visualising The Work

What is the value of visual reference models?

Why would we visualise the work?

What type of work visualisations have you seen

What decisions do we make based on work visualisation?

What is the value of seeing/understanding the strategy?

What challenges or successes have you uncovered by visualising the work?

Who "else" (i.e. someone not usual) did you talk to about visualising the work?

Why would we identify the "type" of work we are doing?

What is the value of understanding the Governance Model? ( surprises!)

Why bother thinking about the "maturity" of an idea?

What is the use of understanding the thinking modes?

Has your team built a backlog in Jira?

Has your team got a space in Confluence?

Has your team got a BVC that shows our current work and our progress towards our goals?

Is your team able to classify our work in terms of thinking modes?

Work Types

Is your team able to classify all our work?

Has your team met with our business partners to discuss our work types?

Has your team collaborated to create a road map with metrics?

Collaborative Problem Solving

Has your team defined a problem-solving approach?

Has your team got a social contract?

Does your team consider capacity during iteration planning?

What cadence of decisions do you follow?

Has your team created a visual plan as an artefact of the iteration planning ceremony, and changes to the iteration plan can be tracked visually?

Can your team demonstrate a regular cadence of prioritisation as part of the iteration cadence?

Risk Management

Does your team have a risk register, and has it been reviewed by the team in the past week?

Does your team have a list of stakeholders that is used by the team to understand what an acceptable delivery is?

Does your team have a forecast of demand for skills based on road maps?

Has your team identified single points of failure and captured them in the risk register?

Feedback & Retrospectives

Does your team record how many items have been completed each iteration and use the trend to help plan and get better?

Does your team know how it will celebrate success and learn from mistakes?

Does your team have a public display of feedback cycles?

As a team, have you reviewed the backlog in the last two weeks?

Does your team's DoD include the automation of remedial tasks?

Does your team have a defined and agreed set of quality attributes and mechanisms to assess them?

Has your team showcased your latest work to your stakeholders in the last month?

Has your team reflected on your practices and processes in the form of a retrospective in the last month?

Does your team have a list of stakeholders that is used by the team to understand what an acceptable delivery is?

Last updated