Good Meetings




  • Have one person own the meeting (facilitator)

  • Be a good participant

  • Have one conversation at a time & listen to others

  • Arrive on time

  • Use phones / laptops / devices – unless required for the meeting

  • Have side conversations

  • Try to help the facilitator by taking over

  • Check emails and texts

Formalizing rituals doesn’t constrain it – It empowers everyone. Real change is a matter of creating new habits to override the old ones.



Do you need a meeting?

  • Have I thought through this situation?

  • Do I need outside input to make progress?

  • Does moving forward require a real-time conversation?

  • Does this necessitate a face-to-face or video-conference meeting?

Do you know what you are wanting to achieve?

  • Is the objective clear?

    • SMART goals


  • Have you allocated the minimum amount of time to achieve the objective?

    • When people are given a specific timeframe, they tend to fill it

    • When constrained with time limitations, people feel the urge and experience creative bursts

    • Cut your meetings in half to achieve twice as much


  • Have you got the right people?

  • Do you believe your presence will change the outcome?

  • Do you think by not attending you, or the attendees, will be more effective as a result?

    • Don’t show up without a declining and a response as to why!

Pre-Publish Agendas

  • Have you let attendees know what they need to prepare?

  • Have you let attendees enter with the right mindset? How are you going to achieve this?

  • How will you let attendees know how they will add value?

    • Can decline if they won’t add value


Staying on track

  • If things are getting off track or getting into too much unnecessary details, have you got a parking lot?

  • Have you presented the objective clearly and are able to refer to it during the meeting to keep it on track?

Monitor and Measure

  • Is it working? Are you getting the desired response?

  • What is your audience thinking, feeling and doing?

    • Think - What will attendees learn?

    • Feel - What impression will attendees be left with?

    • Do - What will attendees do as a result?


Find and Fix

  • Have you got visual reminders, notifications and other actions to get staff to engage?


  • Have you documented (or Captured) the results?

  • Have you left attendees with clear actions steps?

Map Back to Objective

  • Does this map back to your measurable communication objectives and SMART goals?

  • Are people taking action? Better still, are they inspired?



  • Reflect on what you can do differently?

  • What worked?

  • What didn’t work?

  • What’s missing, the presence of which would make a difference?

  • What did you learn?

  • What will you do differently?


  • Have you captured any lessons learned?


  • Actions

  • Decisions

  • Designs

  • Documents

  • Brainstorms



  • Room / Meeting Link available

  • Objective

  • Agenda

  • Time boxed

  • Prep in advance – but not too far

  • Moderate the discussion – has everyone had a change to engage?

  • Confirm decisions and actions

  • Follow up expectations

Radical Meetings

  • Start at 10 past or 20 to the hour

  • Timebox for 15 minutes or less

  • Stand up or walk as a group

  • Have only 1 item on the agenda – and a very clearly articulated goal

  • Finish when the goal has been achieved


Last updated