1. Identify the destination

There should be one destination - one main driver that you are trying to get to. This is the goal of the road map.

There should be one destination - one main driver that your product, business, or team is trying to get to. There may be other drivers or goals that can support getting there but at the end of the day success will be measured only on arriving at the destination.

Let's take a road trip as an example. We all pack into the car and set off using our road map to help guide us towards our destination of a hotel by the beach for a weekend spent playing on the beach. The kids have decided that we really must stop at an amusement park, and your partner loves the idea of popping into a nice winery you've both heard of along the way. Our main goal is to get to the hotel before dark. We have two sub-goals of amusement park and winery of differing priorities depending on your point of view. If we are unable to achieve the sub-goals it may not be that bad - the goal is the hotel and the beach before dark.

It should be as SMART as possible.

Intent Thinking – goal based

For a current piece of work, think about a strategic goal (1, 3, or 5 year) that would be appropriate for that piece of work?

SMART Goals need to be defined (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound)

Identify the “Primary goal” and the “Secondary / Sub- goals” (if required)

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