Road Map Attributes

Guides “Something that serves to direct or indicate.”

· Metrics and reporting – like user stories, a project is either done or not done.

Routes / Approaches “A way or course taken in getting from a starting point to a destination.”

· Principles help us make the right decisions or approach to a situation, routes are the way we order things.

Way-points “An intermediate point on a route, a stopping point or point at which course is changed”

· Way-points are reporting frequency and big room planning sessions allowing for us to pivot as required. Can also be ad-hoc.

Risk Analysis “The process of identifying and analysing potential issues that could negatively impact the journey.”

· Market analysis, product and project risk analysis including resourcing, budget, skills, knowledge, etc.

Destination Point “The place to which someone or something is going”

· The Goal of the road map – you may pass through other places of interest along the way, but there is only 1 destination, 1 goal.

Starting Point “A place that marks the beginning of a journey.”

· The current state: running projects, budget, current products in the market, competitors.

Key Milestones “A signal indicating the distance in from or to a given point.”

· May signal anchors such as a project end/start, external or budget reviews, etc. In many instances, milestones do not impact project duration. Instead, they focus on major progress points that must be reached to achieve success.

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